Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Be Cautious & Careful, Ask Questions And Get Clarification Before You Opt Mobile Insurance

Let's count the essential things in our everyday life. I am sure that our mobile device will stand among top five crucial things of daily utilities. It is a significant companion of our daily life as we can't even think about a hassle free day spent without it. It does not only support a scheduled lifestyle, but also keeps people connected with the whole world. The significance of mobile phones can be estimated from the fact that even a mere thought of losing it frightens us.

Our affection towards mobile phones has made this so valuable that anyone can easily take the benefit. Several (not every) mobile insurance companies are using the same thing by endorsing our fear. Mobile Insurance is always a matter of confusion amidst the smart phone users.One of the prime reasons behind this topsy-turvy situation is that several mobile insurers have failed to impress their clients by catering to their services. They have kept their prime focus only on making money indiscriminately. Read More

Monday, 17 July 2017

India ranks the first in the list of troubled countries by spam call

Prominent Phone Directory App “Truecaller” has done a survey that signifies a list of the top 20 countries suffering from unwanted calls. It is a reality that people around the world are upset with spam phone calls. These phone calls usually offer economic data packs, to change service providers, new postpaid plans, personal loans and credit cards, etc. Every mobile phone user has to face it.

According to the survey, India holds rank one among the most troubled countries by spam calls. Now, we can understand the situation of the common Indian telecom customers who are facing these regular spam calls. The survey mentions that every mobile holder in India receives more than 22 unwanted calls per month.

(Image source: Truecaller)

In this case, the position of countries like United States of America (USA), Brazil, Chile and South Africa is below India. Usually, The telecommunications customers receive on average 20 phone calls per month in the USA and Brazil. Kenya accords the last position in the list where telecom customers receive on average seven phone calls per month. According to Truecaller, “India’s spam call issue lies with the operators and financial services. Many of these operators are seeking to provide special offers for free data, or unlimited calls”.

The survey also exposes the variety of calls, i.e. Nuisance, Telemarketing, Operator’s plans or Promotional calls, Financial service (Banks, or credit card companies), Scam, Insurance, Political calls, Health plans and Debt collection, etc. Here Scam notifies the fraud attempts from companies for money swindling or follow unknown links.

Usually, We all face this problem in our day to life, but obtaining the first rank is a matter of concern for TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India.)

Friday, 31 March 2017

GST: कितना सपना, कितनी हक़ीक़त?

आपको पता हैसरकार ने बहुप्रतीक्षित GST Bill पास कर दिया है!

तो आइए, जीएसटी के बारे में थोड़ी सी जानकारी इकठ्ठा करते है...

तमाम जद्दोजहद के बाद, आखिरकार GST बिल लोकसभा में पास हो ही गया, बशर्ते विपक्ष इससे कुछ खास संतुष्ट नजर नहीं रहे है।

मुख्या विपक्षी दल, कांग्रेस ने इसमें कुछ संशोधनों को अनदेखा करने का आरोप लगाया है और ये भी कहा है कि आज से 7-8 साल पहले ही कांग्रेस इस बिल को लाना चाहती थी पर बीजेपी ने अड़ंगा लगाया था जिसके कारण देश को लाखो करोड़ का नुकसान हुआ है।

एक बात तो है कि बीजेपी इससे काफी प्रफ्फुल्लित महसूस कर रही है जैसे कि उसने किसी रण में फतह हासिल की होऔर हो भी क्यू न आगे पढ़े 

Monday, 6 March 2017

Radio Advertising: Affordable and Trendy Mode of Promotion

Radio is considered as the most profitable and trendy medium of Advertising as it is effective, efficient, and economical. Almost expected in at the present time, especially in metro cities where people usually spend 2-3 hours a day while commuting. Hence, it is easily accessible and available in the car, metro and other modes of local transport with radio handy or with the radio device equipped in conveyance. Having immense reach among the masses, it is the imperative source for news, local updates, entertainment and advertising.

There are many specialized campaigners in the segment of designing the innovative and creative Radio Campaigns to produce the noise about your idea or venture. They can avail an integrated advertising package that can cater all your advertising needs at a single platform. Radio commercials cater a broad range of choices for the type and length of Ads through better production technologies and optimized commercial presentation. The two major categories of radio ads are live reading and produced spots. Most of the radio stations generally run their ads in clusters or sets, scattered during the program hours.

Radio is an ultimate medium in terms of marketing and fast moving consumer goods as it reaches a wide range of targeted listeners in municipal territories. The radio listeners are enormous in number, who usually listen radio while commuting in urban areas as well as respond to the different commercial messages. There are many references that justify the impact of radio commercials on city dwellers. This clearly signifies the role of radio advertising on consumer behavior in terms of sales promotions. Many surveys reveal the influence of radio advertisements over urban consumer physically and economically.

There are many radio ad agencies that make strategies for you to enable the accurate and effective communication along with pleasing infrastructure, the team of artists, researchers, content-writers, marketing & business relations professionals. They ensure positive impact of conceiving and sharing information on consumers. They craft and cater Radio advertisements that;
  • Drive arousal among listeners.
  • Appeal, generate emotions and signify needs.
  • Recall and recognize the brand.
  • Increase purchasing probabilities.
  • Add value to sales promotions.

Switching towards radio advertising would be a smart decision for faster business development…

Friday, 3 March 2017

Procedures of Court Marriage in India

The Court Marriage in India gives sanctuary strength to the couples who are opting inter religion/inter caste marriage or who are going against the wishes of their family members for marriage. This is also considered as  a common alternative for couples to keep their marriage event simple and economical. Court marriage is a moderate and easy way of marriage, performed before a marriage registrar and few witnesses; whereas traditional marriage consists numerous rituals and customs.

Procedures of Court Marriage:
  1. Filing Application/Notice: The parties (couples) need file a notice/application in writing in the prescribed format provided in Schedule II of the Special Marriage Act.

  1. Publication of Notice: The notice, after submission of the application, shall be published at a noticeable  place in the office and one copy in the office of the district where (if) the other party permanently resides.
  2. No objection to the Marriage: The Marriage Officer waits if there any objection within the 30 days from the date of publication of notice.
  3. Solemnization of the Marriage: If no objection is raised within 30 days, the marriage will be solemnized at the Specified Marriage Office before Marriage Officer along with witnesses, one from each side, at the Office on the given date of Registration.
  4. Remedy for the couple, if an objection is filed: Any one of the parties (couples) to the marriage can file an appeal at the District Court under the jurisdiction of Marriage Officer within 30 days from the date of refusal to solemnize the marriage.
  5. Marriage Certificate: A Marriage Certificate, the evidence of the Court Marriage is issued by the officer, signed by both the parties (couples) and witnesses, one from each side.

The compulsory documents for Court Marriage:
  • Application Form for Marriage along with specified fees
  • Passport size Photos of couples
  • Residential proof of couples
  • Proof of Date of Birth of couples
  • Address and Identity Proof of all witnesses
  • Death Certificate/Divorcee (optional) - in case of second marriage

The marriage may also be solemnized before the Marriage Registrar in India, if one party is of foreign nationality, there is only need to submit few additional documents
  • Copy of Passport along with valid visa
  • Proof of stay in the concerned district in preceding 30 days or report from the concerned SHO
  • NOC or Marital Status Certificate from the concerned embassy

The compulsory documents for Registration of old Marriage:
  • Duly filled  Application form
  • Passport sized photos of both
  • Marriage photograph
  • Proof of Date of Birth of the married parties
  • Proof of Residence of the married parties
  • Proof of Marriage

*This is not a legal advice, hiring a family lawyer would be a wise move.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

You can’t afford to miss the Six “A” of Social Media in Business Promotion

In the world that is well informed about the use of modern technology, especially computers and internet, the social media has emerged as the bloodline in the grassland of business. With the association of social media, the business ventures have started dreaming of infinite exposure and even able to absolute that up to some extent, whether at the initial stage or at simplifying the established one.

The Six Grand “A”, which are mentioned hereunder, absolutely appear in the frame if you are figuring out the benefits of social media in the terms of business promotion, you can’t afford to miss
1.)    Accessibility: Since, the world is well flourished by the internet, its unavoidable presence and the easy access of the internet, therefore, social media is now reachable to huge masses. So, if a business decides to employ social media in its promotion, its presence cannot be denied to millions of people in just a minute.
2.)    Advertisement: Advertisement is the weapon tool for a business and the social media has been the true partner of marketing having the immense reach. Social media plays its triumphs in every manner when it comes to business promotion. No matter, whether it is the pop-up ads while reading something on the internet or the unavoidable advertisement while watching a video on YouTube.
3.)    Advocacy: Social media could be the trusted ally in terms of brand advocacy because branding creates the image of your business in the eyes of the general public that is considered as the soul of business. Social media and its rigorous presence create the brand image in the minds of people that is the decisive factor for any business and the results can be valued as increment in revenue.

4.)    Accuracy: The social media allows two way communications to its users that may facilitate an entrepreneur to collect the accurate feedback from its target audiences. It also strengthens a business to turn into a brand through publicizing its name among the mass. The continuous advertisement on the social media, i.e. Facebook or Twitter can act as linkage to win the utmost attention of its users.

5.)    Awareness: The awareness of your product among the general public is really crucial for the existence of your business. The click baiting articles on social media or online portals are more than a blessing for promoting the business as well as creating awareness about your venture.

6.)    Authenticity: You can rally over the authenticity of the outcome of social media than that of another source of media. It could be a better gift for any business that the customers themselves exhibit their loyalty towards any brand when they are thoroughly convinced and presumed by the business. It may possible that the people exhibit loyalty may not use or have used the product, service, but surely got influenced by the promotional event endorsed on an online platform. So this way, social media added value to the business while winning over people’s minds in just few minutes.

Obviously the Social media plays the role of a crucial companion in the journey towards success for any business. Employing social media in the promotional activities of your business can line up your enterprise with the enriching experience of customer satisfaction and feedback. The emerging social media and its rigorous practices are evidently working in favor of business promotion.

Monday, 13 February 2017

Visibility is the key to be endorsed: Promote yourself to be in fashion

Everyone has a deep desire to make people feel about their presence as this is the age of competition. Competition means to reach at the apex that sometimes leads to tremendous outcomes; somehow it is a human behavior to stay ahead up to his potential. In such age cutthroat competition, Advertising is word that matters a lot since it is the only way of communication that helpful to promote, endorse or sell, whether it is products, services, ideas or branding of individual itself. It is not only for promotion, but for a moment it also a way to help in boosting the self-esteem, confidence, and assurance.

The possibility for an individual to advertise himself or his deeds at a bulky phase is hard-hitting, thus one needs a platform to promote oneself or get promoted by someone else. Advertising agencies are doing the same thing in the current scenario as they provide paid service that precisely active in creating, planning, and handling advertising for promotion of your venture. They (advertising agency) also advise you where and how much to expense for presenting an affirmative portrait of your ideas to the mass. They also offer an outside sentiment over the endeavor of promoting the venture along with help you in handling overall marketing and branding strategies as well as sales promotions.

Ad Agency offers advertising campaigns that include undersigned segments:
  • Television commercials,
  • Radio commercials,
  • Online Advertising,
  • Out-of-home advertising,
  • Mobile marketing
  • AR Advertising
  • Newspapers/Magazine advertising
  • Cinema etc.
All such things help organizations to communicate with their clients efficiently.

Tactics of communication surely influence the resultant behavior of the target audience and Advertising Company is merely involved in innovating the effective way to communicate that grab the mass attention and share of wallet along with persuade their decision making by differentiating its client better than others.

*According to studies, advertising business has improved extensively throughout the years as over $385 billion estimated in 2007, exceeded $450 billion by 2010 and grossed $660 billion onwards in 2016. The statistics represent the booming growth of Advertising Services providers. Advertising arena is like a galaxy, the more you know, the more you get…

Advertising probably seems to be responsible for the mainstream improvement and success of any sort of business because it promptly furthers your relations onwards and enhances your accessibility across the globe. An organization can gross exceptional reverence among their competitors through utilizing innovative ideas and solutions for advertising.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Life after 50s: Live beyond age

Around 50’s, a man started realizing of getting older emotionally and even physically furthermore, changes are obvious as we get older. We are likely to be more indolent than our previous stamina. A little phase of life can be controlled in your 50's, but most of things would be inflexible to organize as some changes are vitalizing and others may be complex to face. In fact, when you're moving forward to getting older you may undergo with the changeability related to your profession or finance and you can't escape from these changes and challenges.

Mr. David Karp, a sociologist at Boston College, wrote “The 50's is a kind of fulcrum decade, a turning point in the aging process during which people, more sharply than before, are made to feel their age”. All it signifies that most of the people start to actually see themselves as beginning to be old.

The most common health issues at par 50's are blood sugar levels, Anxiety, Vision abnormalities, chronic pain, depression, digestive abnormalities, erectile dysfunction, hair loss, hearing abnormalities, heart disease blood pressure, high cholesterol, skin problems, thyroid problems, urinary incontinence etc.
There might be natural increasing risks for many chronic health problems, but there are solutions as well lessen your complications of your physical, mental and emotional health. You can reduce the risk of these conditions by improving your diet; focusing on foods along with here is some counsels to continue healthy life as we mature.

Food Habits: - Good diet keeps an important role in leading a healthy life, therefore always keep good nutrition in your mind. Limit the foods that are unhealthy and reduce salt in your diet. Be sure to keep whole grains, plenty of fruits, vegetables and fruits containing fibers, vitamins and minerals in your routine diet. Be in touch of your health care provider with reference to your daily requirements and nutritional supplements.

Physical and Mental promptness: - To maintain your vigor instead of getting older, you need to spend at least an hour of physical activity including aerobic exercise. Walking, jogging, swimming, dancing and light weight lifting are good choices for daily exercise. Weight-bearing exercises are good for healthy heart and reduce risk of heart diseases.

Mental promptness is also essential as several surveys show that healthy state of mind can improve brain utility as well as its lead impact on overall health therefore it is imperative for you be in high spirits for that you can stay in touch with friends and family members, enjoy your interesting hobbies, spend quality time with friends.

Health awareness: You possibly will observe the changes in your body shape and find that you have less energy; meanwhile, you need also to be careful about the changes occurring inside your body, i.e. Blood pressure, Glucose level, Cholesterol level, Testosterone etc. For all these things you should have to be in touch with your health consultant or doctor habituating.

Say No to Tobacco and Alcohol: If you are Thinking Future in a prospective way then giving up tobacco and alcohol is the solitary best way to improve your health; you can take help of medications or a number of programs that help you to quit smoking, alcohol and other tobacco products.

Routine medical tests: To encourage a healthy lifestyle with regular medical exam are advised, so communicate your concern with your health consultant. These communications are not only good to develop and maintain the doctor-patient relationship, but also to evaluate risk for medical problems and update immunizations.

Life is beautiful and even we get it once. Stay fit to live apiece moment. We wish you the healthiest life per breath.☺☺☺

Future Prospect

Beyond Description!

A future prospect is always an important fact our life and it should be beautifully organised. No doubt, our life is surrounded with many factors i.e. social, political, economical, environmental, religious and psychological.
I, therefore deliberately make an attempt to seek insight over social, political, economical, environmental, religious and psychological issues.